Assalamualaikum & happy Tuesday.
Last Saturday, 16/11/2013 we went for overnight relaxing break here @the one & only prestiges hotel & country club in Brunei.

When come to weekend we hardly just stay @home. Surely, at least just go out to have our lunch/dinner. Maybe due to habit of 'weekend outing' during our former life in Malaysia so herein Brunei also the habits is still growing strong (the only problem is there are not many places to cover here, heheh).
So, no choice; The Empire Hotel & Country Club is the best spot to have family vacation. 3A definitely enjoyed their splash time so much.
Oh, btw last year we were invited by k.Maria & family to join them during their anniversary dinner here @The Empire. 3A also experienced swam there when Areesya invited them to accompany her. So, basically 3A have more info about the hotel compare to mommy & daddy (sibuk dok citer itu, ini masa sampai hotel ni kononnya dorg expert gitu).
That day we stayed at one of their deluxe room & believe it or not it's look like a suite in other 5 stars hotel. What a lucky Bruneian, where they can experience this luxurious stay with affordable price (kalau kat Malaysia definitely the price is double up). Thanks ALLAH, merasa kami duduk hotel mcm istana ni. Heheh!!!kalau kat Malaysia cam sayang je duit nak p bayar hotel ribu raban.
So, nothing much to talk about our vacation except for 'besttttttttt tapi tak puas' (wish to check in again but of course 'ongkosnya buk').
So, just for sharing with my fellow friends & readers what actually they have here. Your eyes will be pop out after you see this.
Oh!!! also for info, every time world leaders come to Brunei, this is the place where they stay but of course not in the deluxe like we had.
Overall, the hospitality is tip top & feel like no gap between 'orang kaya giler dgn kita yg tak kaya ni'. The pools also very user friendly (heheh!!!betul ke istilah aku ni), where u can just 'belasah' terjun with your tracksuit (not like many 2 stars hotels in Malaysia where require you to wear proper swimming attire).
One more thing (ni best…. terdengar mat salleh tanya kat kawan local dia "oh, so they are not serve liquor at all in this hotel?"). Bongok!!! mmg dah sah2 Brunei bebas arak & judi. Lagi mau tanya.
Just imaging everybody can just survive without liquor but yet still enjoyed their stay. Tak mati pun mat salleh kat Brunei ni x teguk arak (really wish Malaysia pun mcm tu).
About the hotel.
The hotel was open on 16 October 2000. Located on the north eastern tip of Borneo on the doorstep of one of Asia's oldest rainforests, The Empire Hotel & Country Club is Brunei’s most prestigious beach resort offering unsurpassed 5-star luxury.This palatial resort hotel, which astounds visitors with its spectacular 12 storey marble and gold lobby, is set in its own private 180-hectare (445 acres) estate of manicured gardens and an 18-hole, floodlit Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course and Country Club. Each of the hotel’s 518 opulently appointed guest rooms, suites and private villas has a view of the ocean, lagoon, gardens or golf course, while standard throughout the hotel are Imperial king-sized beds made with the finest linens, and over-sized marble bathrooms with walk-in shower, deep soaking tub with gold taps and luxury amenities. The Empire Hotel & Country Club also extends the kingdom’s regal hospitality with an impressive range of international restaurants, spa, world-class golf and sporting activities, and international meeting facilities for top level MICE gatherings, making it a resort ideal for family, romantic or business vacations. The Empire Hotel & Country Club is a member of WORLDHOTELS and recipient of numerous prestigious international awards. Certificate of Excellence by TripAdvisor® award 2013, Runner Up for Best Golf Resort in Asia Pacific by Asian Golf, Monthly Award 2012 Best Golf Resort in Asia Pacific by Asian Golf Monthly Award 2011 & 2010.
Untuk mereka yang merancang percutian ke Brunei mungkin boleh menempah bilik anda di sini. Really worth it!!!!!
Akhir kata, segala paparan n3 ni bukan dgn niat nak show off (nauzubillah) tapi untuk tatapan kami setelah meninggalkan Brunei suatu ketika nanti. Afterall, pengalaman sebegini bukan selalu kita yg tak kaya ni berpeluang dapat. Semua rezeki itu dtg dari ALLAH Taala. Alhamdulilah!!!
cantiknya... best2..
woaahhh awesome place...!!
awesome !!!!!! wokeh masuk dalam wishlist...hahahhahaha
Wah Ros.....bestnya....terus terasa nak gii Brunei...hehe
Betullah Ros bagus le kalau cenggitu ....kat sini kalau bab swimming suit tu dah sah sah kena pakai kalau nak terjun... Tu yg untung tu papa stress hehe
Deluxe room dia gitu? Punya la besar, mmg best la u guys duk kat Brunei. Malaysia payah la nak bebas arak bebas judi since tokey2 dia pun sapa, konon nak tarik pelancong, baper kerat jer pelancong berparti kat sana, yang lebihnya orang kita.
cantiknye!perfect for wkend getaway ni..
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