Alhamdulilah, mommy slowly gained back the momentum (after a long pause) from doing any baking experiment. Thanks to Arfa for forcing me back to proceed with my baking. Actually today he has Teacher's Day Celebration @school. All the pupils are encourage to bring food & gifts to their teachers. Arfa also has stage performance today. Sing a song to the teachers. I'm not quite sure what song he's going to sing.....GANGNAM STYLE???? Ekk, NO la.
This afternoon back to sekolah ugama, he will deliver dikir (zikirrullah) with his team & perform before the 'Khatam Quran' ceremony. So, equal.....After Gangnam style, then quickly isyhtifar & praise to our RasulAllah, that will be the best. I didn't really know about gangnam style but really annoying to hear their music. Really hope Arfa could think wisely & moderate in what ever he do in the future.

170g butter
180g gula
1 sudu teh esen vanila
4 biji telur
350g tepung gandum
2 sudu teh baking powder
160ml susu segar
Nutella (untuk filling)
Chocholate chips (hiasan)
1. Pukul butter, gula & esen vanila sehingga gebu.
2. Masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji & terus pukul sehingga sebati.
3. Ayak tepung & baking powder. Masukkan secara berselang seli tepung & susu segar.
4. Sudukan adunan ke dalam acuan muffin 3/4 penuh.
5. Masukkan filling nutella & tutup dengan sedikit adunan.
6. Tabur choc chips di atas adunan.
7. Bakar pada suhu 180'C (oven yang dipanaskan terlebih dahulu) selama 18-20minit.