Sunday 19 May 2013

Hari Keluarga Kebangsaan -Sekolah Ugama Tumpuan Telisai, Brunei

 Assalamualaikum & good day.
Last Saturday 11/5/2013 was held an event in conjunction with 'Hari Keluarga Kebangsaan Ke-2' here in Brunei. The event took place @Sekolah Ugama Tumpuan Telisai where Arfa & Anis attending their islamic school in the afternoon session. The purpose of the event actually to enhance the relationships between family members as well as the school staffs. This year was the 1st event ever conducted by the school itself. 

Fyi, last year we celebrated the 'Hari Keluarga Kebangsaan' @the 'mukim' stage that took place @Pusat Rekreasi Telisai where at the event we was interview by the RTB station (heheh.glamour). Ohw btw from that also we get close with our neighbor, K.Maria the reporter. 

Back to our story, the event started with zumba exercise (haha!!!nasib baik ustazah2 tak berzumba juga). Then alternately, the pupils games & the join family members games. There were a lots of games such as treasure hunt (mencari brg2 di sekitar kws sekolah), amazing race, pancing botol, bowling buah kelapa, kutip gula2, isi air dlm botol, jalan bertiga sambil kaki diikat etc……

Oh last but not least cabutan bertuah (daddy & mommy both bertuah sbb dua2 nama naik). Kalau u all tgk gambar Anis pegang bekas hijau tu: that's the presents for cabutan bertuah daddy & mommy got. For daddy the cute storage box (i love the color & it's perfectly match my others kitchen apple green stuffs). For me air minuman kotak+sabun mop lantai. ahaks!!!!

Despite not won any games that Arfa, Anis & daddy took part but  we were happy & enjoyed our weekend except for Ahdia sebab dia DEMAM. Kesian adik…..dah le panas. Tapi she behave well sbb kakak dapat kutip banyak gula2 for her. TQ kakak!!


  1. kesian Ahdia..demam pulak..xboleh main dah..xpew dapat gula2 banyak.. =)

  2. salam ros..
    wah seronok jgk ade event cenggini kan..leh bersukaneka & bersuai jgk tuh dpt cabutan bertuah...tahnia..

  3. Bertuah gak tu ros drpd yg lain2 tak bertuah hehee...nice weekend :)

  4. Lamanya tak singgah sini.. meriah aktiviti di Brunei ;)

  5. Wah bestnya kak Ros, meriah event tu..lg best sbb dua2 menang cabutan bertuah! ;)

    To Ahdia, get well soon, kesian dia demam mujur ada kakak pandai amik hati tu..;)

  6. Wah...tak sia sia datangkan Ros dpt lucky Draw!

  7. Kak Nah: alhamdulilah, tak lama demam kali ni. tapi siap pass baton kat kakak & abg plak pastu

    ummuaidan: salam UA. mmg ok la tapi ros segan gak nak join. sib baik dpt gak hadiah lucky draw tu.hehe

    LL: itule, ingatkan semua org dpt tapi rupanya org2 bertuah je yg layak.ahaks!!!

    Nastyna: huuuu, ingat JJ tak ingat aunty ros lagi. (ni mesti mama JJ byk tido ni tak bangun2). hehe meriah le jugak kecil-kecilan

    ishamizu: uish!!!mmg best la klau dpt hadiah. xkira le hadiah besor ke hadiah kecik.ngeh3x…btw Ahdia dah ok, tq

    hainom okje: tule, nasib baik rajin mengdatangkan diri ke situ
