Saturday 27 April 2013


 Pelengkap carbo & vege untuk roasted lemon chicken tu mommy just buat simple potato salad.

For the salad, I just mix together lettuce + chilly tomatoes + a pinch of salt + olive oil.

For the potato, it's combination of cooked potato dice + a pinch of salt + dried parsley + mayonnaise.

This simple salad also replaced kuih muih for my 'tea time' just now. Heheh!!!!biru mata hitam ku.

p/s: just read a few articles abt diet & healthy menu. It's totally about avoiding SWEET DRINK. The sugar in food still acceptable but seriously we must avoid sweetness in our drink, in order for us to lose weight @ to avoid diabetes. 

Personally, itu yg sukar nak buat. Takpe kalau tak blh change drastically kita slowly reduce je. Good Luck to me!!! 


  1. Hehe timakasih tip diet tu...masalahnya sekarang ni makin galak minum milo panas pulak haha...

  2. menu omputih ni ros :-)

    Gud luck for your weight loss plan. Nak kena kuat semangat kan?

  3. Tihara: simple & sedap!!

    hainom okje: minum milo bagus la okje, minum milo kosong, jgn buh gula. dah manis milo tu ;)

    LL: biasele dok negara omputih nok make sambal belacan, kami yg kat negara org sawo matang ni teringin nak layan salad. btw, huhu semangat suam2 kuku je ni. klu ada geng jogging best jugok.
