Wednesday 27 February 2013


Our last day @HK, day-6.
Our flight to Penang schedule @7:50pm, so we still have a lots of time to cover where ever places that we miss out. At early morning after breakfast, we take the opportunity to dropby @ The Kowloon Mosque again just to snap few photos. Here, mommy share a few photos showing how ISLAM grow everywhere in this world (just we ourselves have to manage & maintain our IMAN where ever we walk on this globe, InShaALLAH).

Kowloon Mosque & Islamic Centre is one of the five principal mosques in Hong Kong. Located in Kowloon Tsim Sha Tsui at the corner of Nathan Road & Haiphong Road next to Kowloon Park. The mosque is currently the largest Islamic Centre in the city. The mosque holds prayers daily & is capable of accommodating up to approximately 3000 people. 

After finished photo session, we returned to hostel & check out. Daddy called for the chartered van/coach (because we still have time to have our last tour). The Indian guy (whose conquer the private transportation especially among the tourist here in HK), he drove us to the place that we want to go. 

Just 'pusing2' within Kowloon & straight away moved to Lantau Island. Otw to the airport, he did suggest us to go to 'City Gate Outlet' & Tung Chun Cable Car.

 We thought that place is just for the people who want to ride a cable car to the top of the mountain where Buddhist show their respect to their Big Buddha (mommy already skipped this spot in our planning because we are not interested to go there since we already ride a cable car @Ocean Park). 

But after that Indian explained, beside the cable car terminal.....There are also outlets selling various branded stuffs with cheaper price (wah!!!!both mommy & daddy mcm kena electric shock. Straight away asked that fellow went there). I tell U, this place definitely worth buying especially for those yg mmg GILER BRAND (how come i didn't realize about this place...many thanks to that Mr India, hehe).

Phewww!!!done with our window shopping, we proceed to the airport. 
Btw, last but not least about HKIA.
It is the world's 10th busiest airport handling over 50million passengers each year. Over 95 airlines operate flight to more than 160 locations worldwide including 45 destinations in mainland China. Opened in 1998, the airport has two terminals, 1 & 2. About 32km from the Central business district, the Airport Express Lina has rail service that links directly to the business center. Buses, taxis, ferries and couches are also readily available.

Okey guys, I have DONE with my Hong Kong Free & Easy episodes but as i agreed in earliest N3, i will summarize our costing in a single N3 (InShaALLAH, in a short period, hehe xtau le tu bila plak. Tunggu jelah ye). Just to give some ideas & preparation to those whose going in the future.


  1. best nye Ros bila lah akak nak merasa ni, macam angan2 maj jenin je kot kan akak ni heee

    1. yg best sesangatnya knoor bebudak ni la. kami pun bkn selalu melancong pun, hehe.....InShaALLAH angan2 mat jenin knoor tu sure menjadi punya. tq bawak cucu la nanti p disneyland & ocean park ;)

  2. alah ros..beh nyer...aku ni malaysia tercinta pun belum habis jenjalan...huhuhu

    1. Kalau dok Malaysia tercinta mmg byk tempat blh jejalan azu. InShaALLAH penuh tabung cap burung hantu blh la ko merasa p HK plak....bila waktunya tu xpenting, yg penting berimpian dulu. aku pun lama dah peram impian ni ;)

  3. Alhamdulillah lega dgr kt mana-mana ada masjid even kt HK ;) nway mst byk borong kt City Gate tu kan..;)

    1. yup, besar lagi masjidnya. btw xde la borong sakan sbb blk dgn airasia , luggage semput.kik3x....
